
2022-12-29 13:30



1、你是我往后余生里唯一想坚持到底的梦想。 You are the only thing I want to hold on to for the rest of my life.
2、那天,你向我走来的那一刻,填满了我后来所有的梦境。 That day, the moment you came to me, filled all my dreams.
3、你的名字,是我经历过最强烈的心动。 Your name is the strongest move Ive ever experienced.
4、二十几岁的时候,才遇见那个如清风明月的人,在那以后,除了他,我就什么都不想要了。 When I was in my twenties, I just met that person like a bright breeze and bright moon. After that, I dont want anything except him.
5、我就像天空中掉下来的一颗星星,只想进入你的梦里,只为你一个人闪光。 I am like a star falling from the sky, I just want to enter your dream, only for you a person flash.
6、自从遇见你以后,我所想象的.所有美好里,都有你的影子。 Ever since I met you, in all the wonderful things I imagined, there was your shadow.
7、这世间美好的东西本就寥寥无几,比如寒冷冬日里的那抹阳光,像极了你笑起来的样子。 There are very few good things in this world, such as a touch of sunshine on a cold winter day, just like the way you smile.
8、我好像在你的未来里,闻到了我自己的味道。 I seem in your future, smell my own smell.
9、只要能在一起,哪怕生活是一地鸡毛,我也愿意。 As long as we can be together, even if life is a chicken feather, I would like to.
10、就像是流星划过夜空,你就这样,点亮了我心里那盏灯。 Like a meteor across the night sky, you just lit up the lamp in my heart. 1
1、虽然我不够优秀,没有很多钱,未来也不那么明朗,可是我喜欢你,便想给你最好的。 Although I am not good enough, do not have much money, the future is not so clear, but I like you, I want to give you the best. 1
2、都说物是人非,可是我清楚地知道,不管再过多少年,我都依然喜欢你。 All say things are different, but I know clearly, no matter how many years, I still like you. 1
3、我有一书包的零食,每个人只能给一小包,但如果是你,我愿意连书包一起给你。 I have a bag of snacks, each person can only give a small bag, but if it is you, I would like to give you together with the bag. 1
4、不信你问问我的每一支笔,它们都能清楚的叫出你的名字。 Just ask each of my pens and they will clearly pronounce your name. 1
5、我想和你走过每分每秒,还更贪心的想跟你携手走过往后余生。 I want to walk through every minute with you, but also more greedy want to walk through the rest of life with you hand in hand. 1
6、世事皆苦,你是唯一的甜。 The world is bitter, you are the only sweet. 1
7、每天最幸福的事,就是安静下来偷偷想你的那些时刻,然后觉得一切都美得不像话。 The happiest thing in every day is to be quiet and secretly think of you for those moments, and then feel everything is too beautiful. 1
8、因为喜欢了你,才看到了从未触摸过的暖阳。 Because Like you, just saw never touch the warm sun. 七夕表白情话短句配图2
十、从我遇见你的那天起,我做的每一件事,都是为了靠近你。 十
一、如果我看过你看过的世界,走过你走过的路,是不是就能更靠近你一点。 十
二、我发现我昨天很喜欢你,今天也很喜欢你,而且有预感明天也会喜欢你。 十
三、遇见你之前,我没想过结婚,遇见你之后,结婚我没想过别人。 十
四、喜欢一个人,始于颜值,敬于才华,合于性格,久于善良,终于人品。 十
五、你是一树一树的花开,是燕,在梁间呢喃,你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天。——林徽因 十
六、我将于茫茫人海中访我唯一灵魂之伴侣;得之,我幸;不得,我命。 十
七、这辈子就跟我在一起吧,不行的话我再等等,还不行的话我再想想别的办法。 十
八、你身上的味道最好闻,你笑起来的样子最好看,你陪着我的时候,我从没羡慕过任何人,很想陪你走完这一生。 十
九、我不贪心。只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你! 二
十、好像就是有这么一个人:不时时带在身边,刻刻放在眼里,就觉得生活不如意。 二十
一、我喜欢风,无拘无束,我喜欢星辰,安静明亮,我喜欢深海中的鲸,孤独澄净,我喜欢动漫,温暖心弦,我喜欢你,没有道理。 二十
二、我是个固执的人,从不愿挪动原则半分,可你来了之后,我的原则就成了你。 二十
三、你一定要等,不要失望,不要犹疑。这么大的世界,这么长的人生,总会有一个人让你想温柔地对待。 二十

2022-12-29 13:47:14